The Program

When you use the PALS Online program, you will work through eight lessons. Each lesson takes about 20-30 minutes. Generally, you will complete one to two lessons per week. These lessons cover a variety of topics such as: Self-Management, Managing Emotions, Being Healthy, Building the Life You Want and Managing Setbacks.

You will hear from experts and other patients about ways to manage your life after limb loss. PALS Online will help you track how you are doing and your progress in recovery. The program will help you use the skills you already have, and develop new tools to manage life after limb loss. Because you work individually with the computer, you can learn and practice these new skills at your own pace.

We have learned that folks want to connect with others and learn together. You can learn more about the several ways to get support and connect once you register.

Completing PALS Online is just the beginning. What happens, away from the computer, will make the real difference. Putting into practice what you discover and following through on the exercises and activities is what makes the program work.

PALS Online Preview

Get Started Learning Key Skills:   Accustom yourself to the format of each week and learn about self- management and how it can help you. You will learn key self-management skills, such as communication and relaxation. You will also learn how to turn problems into specific, measurable and achievable goals. You will develop a personal self-management plan to work on throughout the course and beyond.

Managing your Health and Activity:   Here, you will focus on the things that you can do to help create a healthy mind and body. There are many choices you can make to improve your health. You will learn how to manage your skin and residual limb, be more active, maintain good sleep habits, and make healthy choices around smoking and alcohol use. You will also learn strategies to manage chronic pain.

Managing Emotions:   Learn about ways to manage emotional ups and downs and ways to build positive moods and resilience after limb loss. You will also learn about ways to protect yourself against distress. You will learn how to identify unhelpful thoughts and balance them with helpful thoughts.

Family and Friends:   Explore how limb loss impacts your relationships with family and friends, as well as your social life. You will learn ways to communicate effectively in difficult situations.

Building the Life You Want:   Take time to look to the future and identify goals for participation in meaningful activities and maintaining health. You will learn to identify the warning signs of setbacks and skills to help you to overcome some of these barriers. You'll also explore work options after limb loss.

Support services:   It helps to connect with others and learn together. There are several ways to do this. You will learn more as you start the program.